Tromba Technologies FileBound Workflow and Kofax RPA Intelligent Automation Webinar
Have you wondered about automating daily repetitive tasks or how to make your employees more productive? Perhaps you have heard about robotic process automation (RPA) and how it can help make your operations more efficient, but aren’t sure where to start? Do you currently use FileBound’s Workflow and need to automate process tasks or are needing to extend FileBound’s capabilities with RPA and Intelligent Automation? Join us to learn how Kofax RPA adds Intelligent Automation and Robotics Process Automation to your FileBound Enterprise Workflow. Even if you do not currently use FileBound or Kofax RPA, join us to learn how FileBound and Kofax RPA can give you time back into your day!
You are invited!!
Join Tromba Technologies and Upland FileBound for a “FileBound and Kofax RPA” webinar. You’ll discover the real-world business benefits of FileBound Automation Workflow extended with Kofax RPA Intelligent Automation.
Introduction Tromba, FileBound, and Kofax RPA
Introduce RPA Benefits
Real-world FileBound business use cases to spark ideas
With more businesses turning to a remote employee model, face-to-face meetings have become more difficult and problematic. With more conference calls, Teams and Zoom video meetings, remote workers are finding their time even more stretched than before. Many are having to suddenly balance the constant demand for video calls and still get their work done. It is a difficult balance that no one was prepared to tackle overnight.
There is a double-edged sword at work.
The first edge of the sword is time for meetings. Tromba understands that time has always been valuable and is even more valuable now. Full meetings with formality, pleasantries, and presentations may not be as easy to accommodate like before. Tromba is taking that burden on! Here at Tromba, we have started our YouTube channel. We already have presentation videos, animation videos, and product demonstration videos uploaded. Our first videos target the background of “who” Tromba Technologies is, Cognitive Document Automation presentations and demonstrations, and Kofax TotalAgility demonstrations. We already have other videos being produced targeting the benefits for Invoice to Pay Automation and extending FileBound workflow using Kofax RPA (Robotics Process Automation). After that, we will be producing more Kofax and FileBound product demonstrations. Our hope is that these videos will help both existing customers and future customers with knowledge to make automation decisions as they face new and old struggles in their organization’s processes. Check out our YouTube channel to see what we have out there. Subscribe to the channel to receive notifications as we produce more videos to empower your enterprise. Our YouTube channel will allow you to gain knowledge and insight when you are available on your time. We do not just talk about marketing ideas and concepts. The videos show real working demonstrations and examples so that you can see how technology works. If you have questions please email us at If you would like to see more demonstrations, contact us and we will gladly begin those conversations with you.
Our videos also help to address the second “edge” to this sword and that is your need for more time in your day! To get back time in your day so that you can think about and make decisions for your organizations’ growth, direction, and more; you need automation working for you. You need your systems doing more for you. You need your processes being more intelligent. You need your overall business processes doing more with less effort and involvement. The heavy model of pulling employees from valuable tasks to accommodate higher volumes of repetitive menial tasks is no longer sustainable. Tromba Technologies can help you identify repetitive tasks that can be transformed into software robots to work 24/7 for you. We will help you design and implement an automation strategy so that your business processes work for you. With Tromba’s automation solutions, you can get back time in your day and provide more value back into your business.
Contact Tromba Technologies today at to begin your automation journey!
“Work” has changed for 2020! How “Work” is performed has changed in 2020. Where “Work” is performed has changed in 2020.
Something that Tromba Technologies has specialized in for over a decade is hepling organizations to manage “work”. Tromba's customers use Upland FileBound Enterprise to help organizations manage their “work” from anywhere, at any time. Knowledge workers, processors, and end-users receive assigned work items; know what work needs to be completed in what priority; view documents; and perform actions from anywhere on any device.
FileBound Enterprise enables mobile workers
Are you facing new challenges with a remote or a “at-home” workforce? Tromba Technologies implements FileBound Enterprise for it's customers using automation workflow to automatically assign work items to users based upon dynamic process rules. Your users can use their laptops, pads, and phones to view work items and related documents. Once the work item is completed, the work item will automatically move to the next step in any workflow.
FileBound Enterprise Electronic Forms Portal
Are you stuck using paper forms? Do you have a directory full of PDF forms like Change of Address? Employee Forms? Customer Forms? Paper forms and even form-fill PDFs that require being printed add unnecessary process burden. These forms also make remote work to process these forms nearly impossible. Tromba Technologies enables organizations with FileBound Enterprise's native Electronic Forms Portal. FileBound Enterprise's Forms Portal allows organizations to use electronic forms as documents and data. These electronic forms can be submitted to users and systems. Improve your customer's experience. Let them submit documents and data directly into your business processes using electronic forms. FileBound’s Forms Portal is user friendly! It allows users to create Forms using a WYSIWYG designer that is entirely drag-and-drop. No html or coding knowledge required! FileBound has a power electronic form signature feature. DocuSign digital signature integration is native in FileBound Enterprise as well. FileBound Enterprise’ Forms Portal reduces process times for any form-driven process.
By moving your HR, Customer Service, and other departments to use electronic forms, you can leap forward enabling remote workers and moving your organization away from the dependency of paper and internal PDF forms for your business assets.
Are your users having difficulty finding and using documents? FileBound Enterprise at its core is an Electronic Content Management platform. FileBound Enterprise is a secure centralized repository that is accessible from anywhere with any device. FileBound Enterprise can seamlessly transition data to and from existing application data environments. Users rely upon entire enterprise eco-systems to get work done. FileBound Enterprise eliminates the duplicate effort and information silos by seamlessly integrating with your other data environments.
Tromba Technologies is an Upland FileBound Reseller. We provide services and solutions utilizing all Upland FileBound products and automation capabilities. Contact Tromba today to discuss how FileBound can enable your new and existing remote work strategies. Begin your automation journey with Tromba Technologies today!