Do you get butterflies or a headache when you think about your document processing methodology? Is your process automation strategy a love letter to excellency and efficiency, or does it fill your heart with regret? Do you refer to your solution as the “old ball and chain,” or does it fill you with excitement?
Has this bit gone on too long?
Tromba Technologies has decades of experience understanding, designing, and implementing advanced document processes. We utilize TrombaAI’s intelligent automation platform to automate repeatable tasks that would take users hours to perform manually. TrombaAI can gather information, utilize advanced workflows, perform calculations, and update systems automatically. This delivers value to you and your customers quickly and efficiently.
Business and markets are often very fluid. What you think will become a lifelong journey can quickly leave you and your company at the altar. TrombaAI is built on a platform that utilizes award-winning cognitive capture technology. It is designed to be easily configurable while also robust enough so you won’t need to hop from solution to solution. The designer tool looks and functions similar to Microsoft Vizio, which makes it easy to understand and update.
Cognitive capture technology allows you to automatically separate and classify your documents according to your requirements. It uses advanced OCR capabilities to extract, format, and then validate the data that your business requires. Tromba Technologies also has decades of experience installing and configuring export connectors that allow your data and documents to get to where it needs to go.
Tromba Technologies has the tools and experience to make your document processes successful in the new year. We look forward to taking the journey with you. We have many videos on our website, and through our LinkedIn profile that highlight different industries and solutions we can provide to your company.
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TrombaAI is Tromba’s SaaS/Cloud Automation platform. To learn more, visit or contact Tromba at
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