Intelligent Business Process Management Suite (iBPMS) is a high-productivity (low-code/no-code) application development platform. The iBPMS technology industry has emerged over the last several years, where software solutions have merged to meet dynamically changing Enterprise business requirements. An iBPMS enables dynamic changes in operating models and procedures, documented as models (process flows, business rules, decision models, data models, and other models that can represent a business operation), directly driving the execution of business operations. Business users make frequent (or ad hoc) process changes to their operations independently of IT-managed technical assets, such as integration with external systems and security administration.
iBPMS use actionable, real-time insights from operations intelligence to augment the orchestration and automation of adaptive business processes. They help application leaders deliver better business results by improving and transforming business processes.
Tromba's iBPMS Platform allows organizations to:
Manage the reinvention of existing business processes and create novel business processes supporting both digital optimization and digital transformation efforts.
Support top-down and bottom-up redesign of its business operations and processes.
Improve the business outcomes of all types of work, not just structured and repeatable business processes.
Typical Use Cases for Tromba's iBPMS:
Digital Business Optimization - Digital business technologies and approaches can improve the enterprise without changing its business model. This optimization is the fundamental driving force to IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY and IMPROVE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE.
Digital Business Transformation - In contrast to digital business optimization, there are digital business initiatives that result in net new revenue streams, products/services, and even new business units with a new business model:
Launch net new digitally enabled services.
Launch net new benefit programs leveraging pieces and parts of existing iBPM processes.
Pursue new business models - New business models are made financially viable and technically possible by digital technologies and approaches.
Self-Service Intelligent Business Process Automation - enable self-service development of process-centric applications for line-of-business and professional citizen developers.
Dynamic and Adaptive Case Management - The platform supports case management in its ability to execute unstructured or semi-structured processes.
Intelligent Automation - The platform brings automation technologies that support Cognitive Document Automation, Robotics Process Automation, Customer Communication Management, Business Process Management, Business Analytics, and Process Analytics all into a single platform.
Intelligent Business Process Management Suite

Intelligent Platform
Tromba's iBPMS solution is a highly intelligent iBPMS that provides the foundation to industrialize the digital customer and employee experience. It does this by:
Connecting customer and partner interactions to back-office operations and supplier ecosystems in a context-aware, situationally adaptive way.
Assessing, in real-time, business operations based on the goals of the business, its partners, and customers to continuously update the set and order of interactions among process participants - potentially creating uniquely choreographed processes.
Proactively personalizing contextually aware interactions at scale to support rapid transformation and/or improvement of the customer and employee journey.
Effectively, Tromba's iBPMS automates, orchestrates, and choreographs business processes that shape themselves as they run. These processes can, therefore, be considered adaptive and intelligent - executing the best next action instead of the same repeatable sequence of actions. This requires a blend of contextual awareness, effective decision management, responsiveness to events, and advanced analytics.
Tromba's iBPMS platform:
Choreographs complex styles of work, such as adaptive case management.
Provides tools to automate operational decisions and enable humans to exercise their judgment.
Handles complex events, even using them to coordinate action.
Delivers advanced analytics to orchestrate and choreograph business processes more intelligently.
Analytic Insights
At the macro-level:
Using continuous intelligence (stream analytics, complex event processing, or business activity monitoring), Tromba's iBPMS continuously monitors operations and identifies opportunities to improve outcomes. It also encompasses on-demand analytics such as critical path and workload volume analysis. It is used to drive improvements in the process design, which is often useful in continuous process improvement and business transformation efforts.
At the micro-level:
Using real-time analytics, decision automation, and decision support for knowledge workers, Tromba's iBPMS drives improvements in the execution of a particular process instance or case. This goes beyond traditional business transformation to the execution of digitized processes.
Foundation of DigitalOps
For your digital ops team, managing development lifecycles can be complicated. Tromba's iBPMS Solution provides real-time insights and agility to the business process with the support of your internal teams. This allows for the rapid and continuous improvement of a business process or experimentation with new customer experiences and operating models.
Faced with both externally and internally driven change, organizations have a greater need to reinvent themselves while also driving improvements in efficiency. Effectively managing business processes is a difficult challenge for today's business leaders. The prevailing business environment is evolving ever more rapidly. Many of the systems accessed are rigid and difficult to change, while the operating models and internal structures of the organization are also transforming. Today's business managers need both top-down and bottom-up approaches to deliver more efficient and effective customer experiences. They also need tools to seek out new opportunities, experiment with ways to exploit those opportunities, and then quickly adapt or reinvent business processes regardless of whether those participants are inside or outside the organization.
As organizations move to more ecosystem-centric business models and application architectures, it is even more important for systems to:
Move from orchestration to choreography of people, machine services, and things. The expectation that you can predict and control the set of and sequence of activities is overly limiting for many types of business processes - especially those that involve interaction with the customer or partners in an ecosystem.
Provide more insight through better analytics. Combined with better support for the people involved in processes, allowing them to take advantage of this insight is a key aspect of Tromba's iBPMS Solution.
Support business responsiveness in customer interaction. The need to change which task is performed can happen at the individual work-item level, at the aggregate level of groups of work items, or at the level of the global process design.
React intelligently to events. These events are often happening outside the established scope of a process. As a result, process coordination - both within and between processes - is better handled through event-oriented mechanisms.
Enable the fluid execution of operational decisions within processes. Tromba's iBPMS provides robust decision management capabilities, allowing you to optimize outcomes across various decision types.
Facilitate better social interactions within the context of a process. An iBPMS also provides the ability to manage interactions across various channels (web, mobile, chat, social networks, and others) in a situationally adaptive way.
The combination of these aspects enables the dynamic adjustment of processes. For example, a threshold may determine if a secondary approval for a work item is needed. It is possible to predetermine a fixed rule at design time. However, a more dynamic execution is achieved at runtime when real-time and on-demand analytics capabilities permit an instant assessment of alternatives, depending on customer behavior and other aspects of the case. Further, ad hoc changes to processes not planned at design time may need to occur. The most intelligent processes can leverage advanced analytics and support this ad-hoc dynamism - helping guide the process toward the desired outcomes. Business process discovery and analysis capabilities also identify emergent ways to exploit new opportunities.
Critical Capabilities
Ease of Use - The platform includes development tools for both line-of-business and technical citizen developers. The platform allows developers to quickly and more easily build intelligent process-centric applications.
Business Process Automation - The platform provides capabilities to automate the interaction of people, data, and Enterprise Systems in order to drive more efficiency, scalability, accountability, visibility, and accuracy for predictable tasks.
Human Task Management and Collaboration - The platform offers the ability for process stakeholders to initiate tasks, processes, or process segments on an ad-hoc basis. It must also offer the ability for process stakeholders to collaborate with other stakeholders in support of achieving the desired business outcomes.
DigitalOps - The platform provides capabilities to plan, model, coordinate, govern and monitor the life cycle of business processes and physical/digital resources associated with how the organization delivers value via a digital platform in real-time.
Business Rules and Decision Management - The platform facilitates the configuration and execution of rule engines, recommendation engines, or decision management engines, which provide guidance for making human or automated operational decisions according to business directives or policy statements.
Real-Time Analytics - Analytics is the discipline that applies logic and mathematics to data to provide insights for making better decisions.
Interoperability - The platform includes adapters and adapter development tools that enable interoperation with external application services and application systems, such as commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) packaged applications, custom applications, and cloud-based SaaS applications and their databases.
Intelligent Mobility - The platform provides the ability to access applications from a wide variety of mobile devices, including smartphones, tablets, and other digital devices.
Process Discovery and Optimization - The platform provides capabilities that accelerate the time to discover and optimize behaviors (for example, processes, tasks, and policies) needed to improve business outcomes. These may include analyzing past execution history or simulation of proposed behaviors.
Context and Behavioral History - manage other kinds of context data - from external applications, databases, or event streams - to enhance the intelligence and effectiveness of the system.
System Setup and Administration - The platform includes tools to accelerate the testing and deployment of applications.
Components of Tromba's Cloud Intelligent Automation Solution Stack
Tungsten TotalAgility is the foundation of Tromba's Intelligent Business Process Management Suite platform. Tromba deploys its Intelligent Automation Solutions both OnPremise and as a Cloud Solution.
Move from orchestration to choreography
Intelligent choreography is the coordination) of people, machine services, and things. The expectation that you can predict and control the set of and sequence of activities is overly limiting for many types of business processes - especially those that involve interaction with the customer or partners in an ecosystem.
React intelligently to events
These events are often happening outside the established scope of a process. As a result, process coordination - both within and between processes - is better handled through event-oriented mechanisms.
Enable the fluid execution of decisions within processes
More intelligent iBPMS products and services provide robust decision management capabilities, allowing you to optimize outcomes across various decision types.
Facilitate better social interactions within a process
An iBPMS also provides the ability to manage interactions across various channels (web, mobile, chat, social networks, and others) in a situationally adaptive way.
Support business responsiveness in customer interaction
The need to change which task is performed can happen at the individual work-item level, at the aggregate level of groups of work items, or at the level of the global process design.
Provide more insight through better analytics
Combined with better support for the people involved in processes, allowing them to take advantage of this insight is a key aspect of what differentiates today's iBPMS market from earlier BPMS technology markets.