K-12 Education Solutions
Modernize your School District with our Process Automation & Document Management Solutions

Like you, our customers are working to meet greater digital demands with budgets that are not growing to meet the needs. K-12 school districts nationwide use FileBound to reduce operational expenses while eliminating inefficiencies. This gives schools and districts the time and focuses on prioritizing what matters, student achievement. Tromba Technologies provides a unique solution tailored to K-12 Schools and school districts that target specific K-12 education needs. Using FileBound Enterprise, Tromba Technologies delivers both OnPremise and Cloud solutions to help K-12 schools grow and focus on the students.

Student Solutions
Integrating FileBound with your district’s existing SIS quickly grants faculty immediate access to student documents. Complying with medical restrictions, managing learning assistance modifications or accelerated learning programs, or counseling and disciplinary documents are at the finger tips of those that need it and all of those features are available while automatically enforcing permissions-based user security to safeguard student data to satisfy state and federal compliance standards.
School Management Solutions
Whether administrative staff is complying with audits, aligning onboarding resources for new hires, processing background checks for volunteers, or releasing school board packets for public consumption, FileBound is a game-changer for improving administrator productivity, efficiency, and responsiveness.
By automatically creating a digital audit trail for all documents and data, school districts using FileBound are compliant with state and federal mandates and have reliable, secure disaster recovery capabilities ensuring their students’ critical data is safe and accessible.