Robotic Process Automation

Power Automation with a Digital Workforce
Is your organization process built around manual work, many different sources of data, disconnected systems, riddled with exceptions? Many organizations get "stuck in the cycle of "it has worked in the past, so we will keep doing it." Many times, that involved "throwing" more people at problems. Now committing more people to business problems is much much more complicated as the traditional model of a cubical workforce may no longer work for your organization. There is a high cost to human labor, and additionally, there are vast challenges to working through process bottlenecks and data entry errors that can impact organization-wide key performance indicators such as processing times, compliance, customer responsiveness, and the ability of an organization to innovate and grow.
Power your processes
Automate manual, repetitive, and even tedious data entry tasks. Complement your existing business process automation platform with robotic process automation - an intelligent digital workforce that eliminates data entry errors and delivers 100 percent data accuracy, all while reducing processing times. This can all be accomplished at a fraction of the cost of a human workforce. While recognizing the benefits of a speedy implementation and lightning-fast ROI, you will also free employees from data entry to delivering a better customer experience, with your employees providing more value to your organization.
Your organization may be under immense pressure to digitize and automate some or all aspects of your operations. Are manual tasks for vital business processes, such as collecting, reviewing, and data entering information between systems, websites, and portals, holding you back? Repetitive, remedial tasks require your employees to log in and out of multiple systems, copying and pasting data between different sources and formats. This virtually eliminates productivity and operational efficiencies.
Empower your Enterprise
RPA software is not part of an organization's IT infrastructure. Instead, it sits on top of it, enabling a company to implement the technology quickly and efficiently without changing the existing infrastructure and systems. What distinguishes RPA from traditional IT automation is the ability of the RPA software to be aware and adapt to changing circumstances, exceptions, and new situations. Once RPA software has been trained to capture and interpret the actions of specific processes in existing software applications, it can then manipulate data, trigger responses, initiate new actions, and communicate with other systems autonomously.
Some refer to this technology as "swivel chair automation". This is anywhere a user has a remedial repetitive user operations that may involve multiple screens, websites, or programs. That is where RPA saves a process from enormous amounts of time while improving accuracy. RPA builds these user actions into executable robots so that a process can move, collect, and update data in different environments like websites, data screens, emulator screens, desktop applications, spreadsheets, and any other user data interface.
Benefits of RPA
Low risk – non-invasive technology; can be overlaid on existing systems; no disruption to underlying legacy systems; reducing the burden on IT.
Accuracy – the right result, decision, or calculation every time.
Consistency – identical processes and tasks reducing the output variation.
Audit trail – fully maintained logs essential for compliance.
Productivity – freeing up manual resources for more value-added tasks.
Elasticity / Flexibility – instant ramp up/down to deal with spikes and troughs in demand.
Staff retention – allows focus shift towards more stimulating tasks.
Reliability – 24/7, all year round, full availability.
Component of Tromba's Cloud Intelligent Automation Solution Stack
Tromba provides RPA solutions using Kofax RPA. Kofax RPA is an industry-leading RPA product and is a component of Tromba Technologies' Intelligent Automation Solution. Tromba deploys its Intelligent Automation Solutions either OnPremise or as a Cloud Solution.
Use Software Robots to Automate Key Business Process Activities
Free your employees from repetitive, manual tasks to use their skills to add value to activities that require their decisions, creativity, and human touch. Software robots automate the interactions that users perform within an application or other data source, allowing your workers to focus on strategic work activity while increasing productivity.
Easily Integrate Information from External And Internal Sources
Automatically acquire and integrate data from websites, portals, and enterprise applications for streamlined processing of digital content and greater insight for decision making. All application environments are supported, including web, windows mainframe, windows, JAVA, and mainframe.
Match The Speed of Business without Months of Development
Deploy software robots to new process activities as your business needs and priorities change without the need for coding and months of development. Build and deploy automation in a matter of days and weeks—without ripping out platforms that are core to your business or re-engineering processes.